August 2000
Did you
know that a giant "corpse
flower" can get to 12 feet in height?
Amorphophallus titanum
We heard that a giant "corpse
flower" was blooming at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
in Sarasota Florida, about an hour and a half south of us, and I just knew I would have to
see it. So off we went, cameras in hand. These are large files, so please be patient
with the download, it WILL be worth it!

Amorrhophallus titanum - One of world's largest flower
This flowering plant is 45 inches tall and 36
inches across, and it is a small one! A second plant bloomed a few days
earlier, and
it was 65.5 inches tall and 42 inches across. These plants live naturally in
where they can get to 12 FEET in height. It was truely amazing to see
it. Especially since
a single plant only blooms once every 6-10 years, and these two specimens are only the 8th
and 9th documented flowerings in the US.
To see a picture of both the
plants, the first
having collapsed as is normal after the bloom, click here.
To see a close-up of the
spathe, click here.
For additional
information, click on the Selby
Gardens link in the first paragraph.